Pre-Alpha - Prototype -Anthean Chronicles-

Okay so after taking a downtime of whoever knows how long, I've finally decided to release and start putting out updates for 

Anthean Chronicles 

which is a couch co-op rpg designed to play just like old school castle crashers or something of that sort but feels much more like Outward. (Not to toot my own horn there, the combats coming along nicely)

So far I have a 

-Skill Tree but only one usable profession which is skinning and you do what you probably guessed, skin boar wolves for their hides, which you in turn sell to upgrade the gear you have (you start off naked..but with 100 copper so not all is a loss)

-One hub town which has a few prototype quests to break

-3 Enemy types for you to fight, ranging from boar to goblins hiding somewhere. 

-7 Weapon types        .... Which have different animations, speeds, and overall feel to how they are. 

Weapon and Shield-

Dual Weapons-




Magick Staves-

Polearm weapons-

-NPCs live and breath!!!!

Not really, but they do have needs, hunger and sleep needs. 

They patrol, path to designated spots and play out animations to give you a more immersive feel.

Shopkeepers stay around their shops for longer than your average joe but still DO have needs

-Working on gadgets like


Weapon oils

Backpacks that increase inv size



-Seemless Couch Co-op goodness where they can join and drop out whenever they please. Just remember to save! (Gear and inventory dont autosave yet)

Right now screen is vertically split and probably going to stay that way, UI is super tacky as I made in like 10 mins so that'll be updated in the future, mostly everything right now is a just a placeholder.

Big plans for this, no promises on release date but this is my passion project so shit will git dun.

Thanks :]

Thaddeus aka Marionette

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