Patch 8

Addition of Trade Packs

With materials you gather you can either 

A- Sell them as is

B- Process them and sell or craft

C-Process them and make a trade pack with a set amount of them

Youll get a lot via trade packs vrs selling the material

Just gotta walk and can only move one at a time from 

point A )The crafter

to Point B)The depot

Lots of animation and damage fixes for both npc and player

some collisions fixed. like not hitting those boars? Gotchu

Crafting and Processing

Pelts > Leather

Minerals  > Ingots

more to come!

Lots of UI work to make things hybrid for both controller and mouse and keyboard

(Will need to grab another second controller to test multiplayer with these but i set them up in a way multi should work.)

Expect bugs if playing multiplayer, lots has been added

but hey free 3 skill points to use :shrug:

Addition of an airship that travels the map, location and distance is saved per save so no more reseting it's locale

Much Love

Thaddeus aka Marionette


antheen-chronicles-win 3.2 GB
Version 64 24 days ago

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